- The Endomorph has a plumper, softer build than the other types; metabolic upkeep does not favor the endomorph, as oftentimes they find themselves struggling to shrug off weight whilst attempting to build muscle at the same time, the primary goal of the endomorph is to maximize and utilize cardivascular exercises for fat burn as opposed to simply building stamina, high reps and toning exercises work to the endomorphs advantage, doubling as cardio and building muscle (Which eventually aid the metabolic process) and endurance at the same time.
- The Ectomorph lies at the opposite end of the spectrum, where they are thin, and, try as they might, find extreme difficulty in gaining weight in order to start a muscle building program, here, cardio does not work to the advantage of the ectomorph, as this breaks down essential fat and protein stores that are to later become the foundation for a muscle gaining journey, rather, the ectomorph should primarily focus on larger, heavier weights with minimal reps in order to maximize the muscle gaining process.
- The Mesomorph lies comfortable smack in the middle of the spectrum, having genetically gifted builds with often no gym time at all, the mesomorph can and must work any training protocol to their advantage, as workout variation is key to the progression here, a balance of cardio and a hybrid build of toning and building will see the mesomorph through their physical excursion.
The aforementioned does not define you, it guides you, you know your body better than anyone and should not be put off by slow results, this program is a year long, most train years to attain physical perfection, this is but a stepping stone on your path to excellence, physically and mentally.
As Wednesday approaches, say your goodbyes to your meats, slap on that track suit, we're going to start working out very soon.
Godspeed, Veggiesaurs, godspeed.
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