Week 4

If you haven't already, give That Jeddah Podcast a listen, as the lovely Ms. Nesreen Tamano gets the gritty details on the Dawn.

And now, to business!:
  • A simple change will add a world of hurt to your workout, but I have faith in you lot; to every workout specified in the last week, you will add ONE SET, not one rep, no, one set.
  • This applies to abdomen as well, cardio will go unchanged.
  • Stay nourished and hydrated, the diet portion of the workout is on the way and I need you all to be alive.

Remember to send me your tales of the tape by weeks end, I look forward to seeing how you're all doing!

Godspeed, Veggiesaurs!

Week 3, Wednesday: Arms and Abdomen

Arms day is the perfect way to start the weekend, you get a nice tone and a decent swell, you'll fill out your garbs nicely and you'll thank me for it; the week has come to a tiring close, enjoy your off days while you can, eat healthy, and I'll see you all next week!



Standing Bicep Curl
(For an increased, isolated state of tension, try alternating the curls, as opposed to doing both arms in unison) 
Hammer Curls
(Notice the difference between the hammer curls and the standing bicep ones, in that hammer curls are done with a consistently vertical grip on the dumbbells, as opposed to the transitioning horizontal grip of the regular curl)

Concentration Curls

Overhead Extensions

  • Three sets of the two different exercises groups mentioned this past week, rest for thirty seconds between each group, and for one minute between each set.


Week 3, Tuesday: Shoulders and Legs

Shoulders are a small muscle group, they unleash a concentrated burn that no other muscle can put you through, today we train shoulders, and on our everlong journey of core building, we perform squats, topped with adequate abs blasting, today shall be fun, good luck!:



Dumbbell front raise
Dumbbell side raise

Seated dumbbell press

  • Perform the abdominal routine mentioned on Saturday

The week is almost over, stay hydrated, don't pass out on me now, Godspeed Veggiesaurs!

Week 3, Monday: Cardio and Abdomen

Cardiovascular and abdomen day will serve as a recuperating period for thine aching bones and a general fat blaster to keep the stress on the abs and sides consistent.

  • 45 minutes divided amongst three different forms of cardio, no break in between.
  • Abdomen will consist FOUR sets of the abdominal workout performed the day before.

It should be noted that minimal salt, sugar, and carbonated drinks should be imbibed during this period of time, this is obvious, but some times the obvious must be stated.

Godspeed, Veggiesaurs!

Week 3, Sunday: Back

Like lower body, you'll find most skip back day, this shan't be the case on my watch! Here's to it!:



Unfortunately, Blogger is currently having issues with video uploads, but the good folks at Pertrainer have a fine assortment of usable GIFs to make life easier for the lot of you! 

Frontal Reach


  • The abdomen will be blasted by three sets, branching out into two sets of three different exercises.
  • Each exercise will be given 25 reps.
  • The first set will be the one you've been practicing in the past two weeks, this should have stabilized your core enough for you to follow through with additional exercises.
  • The second set will add three new exercises: The Double Crunch, the Flat Bicycle Kicks, and Sideways Crunch.
  • The second set will be performed 30 seconds  after completion of the first, no longer.
  • After completion of both sets, rest for 45 seconds, then begin again.
Double Crunch
(Go nice and slow here, really squeeze it out)

Flat Bicycle Kicks

Sideways Crunch
(25 reps on one side, switch your legs to the opposing side, then go for another 25)


Week 3, Saturday: Chest

Pleasantries skipped, you work now!



For the first week, the abdominal super set of weeks 1-2 will apply here, and they will be done, EVERY DAY.

Godspeed, Veggiesaurs!

Week 3-4: Focal Pyramidal Super Set

Weekend is over, time to prep for the grueling week to come.

Here we will be introduced to a new breed of workout method, the pyramidal super set.


  • The Pyramidal super set focuses on working a specific muscle group, using progressively increasing or decreasing weight, in rapid succession, with no break in between, with varying effects depending on the desired results.
  • Using  the PROGRESSIVE  method: By increasing weight and decreasing reps, one will see their muscles to maximum pump due to micro-tearing of the muscle fibres and increasing blood supply giving rise to mass, which in the future, can be capitalized upon by reversing the pyramid, which will drain the muscle of water and salts, setting you up for both mass and definition.
  • Using the REGRESSIVE  method: By decreasing weight and increasing reps, one will give rise to an opposite effect, a temporary pump, with eventual maximizing of definition due to muscle drainage, sticking to this method solely will see you to a more toned and define physique, as opposed to a larger one.
  • Your abdomen will play a much larger role in this routine than the previous weeks, and will be worked every day, as opposed to twice a week.
  • Schedules for both methods are available, but it is imperative that if you begin the week with one, that you stick with it for the following week, and not switch up half way.

Progressive Workout 
  • To start, all workouts will be dumbbell based, as these workouts are difficult and a bar may be overkill for the less experienced gym goer.
  • Pick out three sets of dumbbells, medium-heavy-max, with maximum being a weight in which you can barely pull off six reps.
  • Start with the medium weight, then progress to the respective weight scale, doing the reps specified with no break until ending with the max weight.
  • Take a maximum of one minute to catch your breath, then proceed to the second set.

Regressive Workout
  • To start, all workouts will be dumbbell based, as these workouts are difficult and a bar may be overkill for the less experienced gym goer.
  • Pick out three sets of dumbbells heavy-medium-light, with heavy being roughly 80% of the maximum weight you can lift, and light being weights you can barely pull off twenty reps with.
  • Start with the heavy weight, then progress through the aforementioned weight scales respectively, doing the reps specified , with no break until ending with the light weight.
  • Take a maximum of one minute to catch your breath, then proceed to the second set.

The Schedule 

I will release the Chest schedule later this evening, Godspeed, Veggiesaurs.


Week 1-2 Overview

  Greetings, Veggiesaurs!

The first two weeks were a warm up, mere stepping stones for the things to come, weeks 3-4 will introduce us to the brutal focal supersets and abdominal routine, where a torturous pyramidal method of lifting weight will push even the most valiant saurs to their limits, I will post the workout later this evening.

For now, here's how the last two weeks went down for the Veggiesaur community!

  • Of the 27 Veggiesaurs, the average weight loss amongst them in two weeks was 3 Kg, or 6 lbs! 
  • Of the 27 Veggiesaurs, 14 have noticed a loosening of the waist line!
  • Of the 27 Veggiesaurs, none were injured!
  • Of the 27 Veggiesaurs, none felt malnourished!
  • Of the 27 Veggiesaurs, 8 have converted to full vegetarianism!
My tale of the tape:

Starting Weight: 88 Kg                                                   Starting Waistline: 36"
Current Weight: 87 Kg                                                   Current Waistline: 36"               


You bring me pride, Veggiesaurs, we've quite the year ahead, but if results remain equally impressive and consistent, you shall be unrecognizable come its end.

Stay tuned for your weeks workout later this evening, Godspeed, Veggiesaurs!

Week 2: General

If last week did not see you sore and immobile, then you're either a sorcerer, or, more likely, not doing everything assigned.

It will not get any easier, week two continues our general body workout, following the same schedule as week one, with some new, added exercises.

Week 2, let's do it!

Some exercises, as you will note here, are familiar ones, for the not so familiar ones, I give you knowledge:

Cable Flies

Decline Bench Press

Barbell Curl

Tricep Skullcrusher

Lateral Row

The lower body portion of the workout will be the same as last weeks, I shall update you saurs throughout the week, work hard, I'll start asking for progress reports by weeks end!

Godspeed, Veggiesaurs!


Week 1 continued: Lower Body

Skipping the pleasantries and getting right to it, I hope everyone is fairing well on their first day, but we cannot dilly dally, I bring you the lower body workout schedule:

Most of my male brethren tend to ignore lower body day as its results shows minimally in a tight shirt, ignoring the fact that a properly executed lower body workout strengthens ones core, opening a gateway to extremely improved performances during abdominal and upper body workouts, so, none of that here please, thank you.

And, as per usual, Rayan Kattoua and myself have brilliantly performed the aforementioned workouts for your good guidance, enjoy the week, Veggiesaurs, I write to you lot soon!

Barbell Squats

Leg Extensions

Leg Flexion

Calf Raises

Leg Adduction

Abdominal Super Set


You have your schedule for the week, now off with you saurs, show'em how it's done!


Week 1: General

Make peace with your lives, loyal saurs, today we begin!

Weeks one and two will see us following a steady, whole body workout program,  following this template:

A general workout for will give a once sedentary body new life, promoting growth hormone and endorphin release (Naturally occurring painkillers and antidepressants) within you, it is atop this sense of growth and elation that you shall build the power and stamina and determination to tackle the weeks to follow!

With little delay, I give you the upper body workout routine for Week 1:

  • The first number indicates the number of sets, whereas the second is the number of repetitions per set, resting a maximum of one minute in between each sets, and three minutes in between each workout.
  • Stop working out if you feel nauseous, keep hydrated and do not pile on the weights, now is not the time for it.

Below you will find videos of myself and my lovely spotter and gym buddy, Rayan Kattoua, demonstrating the proper technique for the aforementioned workouts:

Flat Dumbbell Bench Press

Incline Barbell Press

Flat Weight Shoulder Raise

Cable Pull down

Bicep Curl

Tricep Dip


Post Workout Meal

I help myself to a lentil soup, sided with some tabbouleh and a large glass of water, NO SALT!

Work hard, you lot, see you for lower body on Sunday!