Unfortunately, Blogger is currently having issues with video uploads, but the good folks at Pertrainer have a fine assortment of usable GIFs to make life easier for the lot of you!
Frontal Reach
- The abdomen will be blasted by three sets, branching out into two sets of three different exercises.
- Each exercise will be given 25 reps.
- The first set will be the one you've been practicing in the past two weeks, this should have stabilized your core enough for you to follow through with additional exercises.
- The second set will add three new exercises: The Double Crunch, the Flat Bicycle Kicks, and Sideways Crunch.
- The second set will be performed 30 seconds after completion of the first, no longer.
- After completion of both sets, rest for 45 seconds, then begin again.
Double Crunch
(Go nice and slow here, really squeeze it out)
Flat Bicycle Kicks
Sideways Crunch
(25 reps on one side, switch your legs to the opposing side, then go for another 25)
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