Month 4: Day 2: Chest

Chest, how can you NOT love it?
The guy and girl friendly toning version.

Dumbbell Chest Press (Flat)
4x 12
2x 12
2x 12
4x 40
4x 25
Cardiovascular (Stairs and/or Elliptical) 
25 minutes


Month 4: Week 1: Day 1: Arms

Month 4, week 1, day 1, arms, small talk skipped, make me proud!

Exercises that were not previously explained can be clicked on for videos brought to you by our friends at!

Barbell Bicep Curl
4x 12
2x 12
2x 12
4x 12
Triceps Dip
4x 20
25 minutes

On Summer

I apologize, Veggiesaurs, for my not updating in a while, it has been a very hectic couple of weeks on the academic front.

No matter!

The soundcrafting and ever lovely Rayan Kattoua and myself have been working 'round the clock to come up with new, innovative, and devastating workout combinations that should see you through a gauntlet of hurt.

Our waists have shrunk miles since we began and our weights have been keeping a steady plateau of lean muscle and some pretty stubborn fat that we look to obliterate, some numbers for you:

34" Waist
81 kg

32" Waist
75 kg

The plan
Now, with the dehydration program still in full swing, we've environmental factors that only further aid our clean cutting process; summers in Saudi are not known for their gentle beach breezes, you'll sweat, alot, so anyone looking to bulk up pursues a fruitless venture, we turn our sights now only to rip up, and here's how we're going to do it!:

This week will progress normally and with the previous schedule, starting next week, however, we start with the new babies.

Godspeed, Veggiesaurs!


On Legs

Greetings and salutations, 'saurs!

A brief, yet important tidbit of wisdom I bestow upon you today, then you can go back to your things and whatchamabobbers.

Fact: The tearing of muscle fibres triggers a chemical process that ultimately promotes the rebuilding of said muscle via Growth Hormone (GH), which has a systemic (Body-wide), not just a local effect; the bigger the muscle, the larger the amount of GH released.

Fact: Your upper body (Abdominals upward) shapes up roughly 40% of your body's total muscle mass, your lower body (Glutes downward), shapes a whopping 60% of your body's total muscle mass. 

Fact x Fact = Fact 2   : A well executed leg workout will see the largest amount of GH secretion on a systemic scale, bringing you better, symmetrical results on a regular basis, aiding your already exhausted upper body in faster, more efficient repair, which is why Lower Body day is always at the end of a Veggiesaurs week!

Tear some fibres for me, Godspeed, Veggiesaurs!