Greetings and salutations, 'saurs!
A brief, yet important tidbit of wisdom I bestow upon you today, then you can go back to your things and whatchamabobbers.
Fact: The tearing of muscle fibres triggers a chemical process that ultimately promotes the rebuilding of said muscle via Growth Hormone (GH), which has a systemic (Body-wide), not just a local effect; the bigger the muscle, the larger the amount of GH released.
Fact: Your upper body (Abdominals upward) shapes up roughly 40% of your body's total muscle mass, your lower body (Glutes downward), shapes a whopping 60% of your body's total muscle mass.
Fact x Fact = Fact 2 : A well executed leg workout will see the largest amount of GH secretion on a systemic scale, bringing you better, symmetrical results on a regular basis, aiding your already exhausted upper body in faster, more efficient repair, which is why Lower Body day is always at the end of a Veggiesaurs week!
Tear some fibres for me, Godspeed, Veggiesaurs!