Month 3: Death by Dehydration

The pyramidal period of your workout regimen has paved a vital path on your road to greatness, but now, we up the ante a bit, Veggiesaurs.

During the past two weeks, the lovely Rayan Kattoua and myself have concocted a deadly routine that sees you good and defined by the end of it, using naught but simple physiological deduction, like we do here at Veggiesaurs.

The Physiology

When isolating a muscle during a workout, say your biceps, blood rushes to that muscle due to its increasing oxygen demand, the veins and arteries are good and patent for delivery of blood, the muscle fibers fair and tense to withstand the pressure applied to it; once blood and nutrient flow is adequate, the muscle will gain a natural, very temporary pump, the skin will react with a mild increase in elasticity, due in part to sodium retention and assorted electrolyte retention.

SO, in theory, if one could dehydrate the muscle during this period, expending all electrolytes and water, whilst keeping the muscle fibres good and tight, one would gain a slightly lighter, but apparent, prolonged pump, not only will it look good for a good while after the workout, after repeated bouts of dehydrating the muscle, one can work under extreme circumstances due to the involvement of compensatory mechanisms to keep the body going.

How it's done

Attire and displaced cardio.

Yes, attire and displaced cardio.

Putting said theory to the test, Rayan and I donned much thicker garb to the gym, as opposed to shorts and tank tops, we spruced up with thick hoodies and sweatpants; as opposed to cardio before the workout, we would perform extended cardio after  the workout.

The change we saw from the first couple of days were a deciding factor in our deciding to stick to this routine for the coming three months, and as usual, you'll be joining us come Saturday.

The routine

The workout is exactly the same as your pyramidal routine, only they will not be done in pyramidal fashion, they will be done in normal, single sets, with a 30 second breather (Tone) and a one minute breather (Build) between each set, using the aforementioned weight pattern for those who look to build or tone.


  • It is imperative that you employ a set of pull ups or push ups on pull and push days, respectively, by replacing the last exercise of every routine with them.

  • I say dehydrate the muscle, not yourself, drink PLENTY, if not more, water then you would usually drink during this routine, as the amount of perspiration is immense and requires constant rehydration.

Penulis : Dr. McKeemy ~ Sebuah blog yang menyediakan berbagai macam informasi

Artikel Month 3: Death by Dehydration ini dipublish oleh Dr. McKeemy pada hari Friday, March 30, 2012. Semoga artikel ini dapat bermanfaat.Terimakasih atas kunjungan Anda silahkan tinggalkan komentar.sudah ada 0 komentar: di postingan Month 3: Death by Dehydration