The set up
Push ups and pull ups are two of the greatest challenges the beginning fitness enthusiast has to overcome, and it takes time, it takes determination, and ALOT of effort to get it right and eventually pull off a decent number of reps using the multiple variations of both exercises.the workouts you have been performing have slowly been setting you up to perform these bad boys, but you'll never be able to form-fittingly pull one off until you actually incorporate them into your workout.
So let's try this, for this week, eliminate one exercise from the given schedule and perform one set of either push ups, or pull ups (Push ups are best performed at the end of chest and shoulder day, pull ups ideally done on back and arm days)Below are links showing the multiple variation of the two exercises, from beginner, to advanced sets, go slow, don't get injured, and keep it in form, you'll thank me later.
Godspeed, Veggiesaurs!
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